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Si apoi poze de pe drum, spre golful de unde ne-am urcat pe vapor sa vedem balene...
Despre balene.. si privitul lor... Eu am crezut (afland ca o sa mergem undeva pe la vreo 15 mile de tarm) ca o sa privim nenumarate balene care urmau sa sara prin apa in jurul vaporului ca delfinii la delfinariu (ihhaaa, ihaaa, uuiii, uuuiiii)... Cam ca mai jos, din poze luate de pe situl agentiei de turism... (ma rog, pozele se repeta si alt post)
Ei, de fapt nu e chiar asa :). Dupa vreo doua ceasuri de bantuit pe langa tarm, nu vazuseram nimic, si frigul ne cam patrunsese la oase... Am urmat sfatul ghidului si ne-am tras niste supra-salopete, cu care puteai sa traversezi si gerul Polului Nord. Cat ne-am chinuit sa le tragem pe noi a inceput sa se simta raul de mare (mda, destul de naspa, as zice), asa ca am zbughit degraba pe punte inapoi. Intr-un final ghidul a strigat: “jet de apa (adica respiratia cetaceului) la ora 3. Inca unul!”. Apoi, o bucata de vreme, am tot observat ba o aripioara dorsala, ba un jet de apa, dar nicio balena nu a sarit spectaculos din apa ca Willy, din pacate...
Nu ma intelegeti gresit, plimbarea mi-a placut foarte mult! Insa, in spiritul lui Jerome K. Jerome, nu ma pot abtine sa fac putina caterinca... Mai ales ca mi-a fost rau inca vreo cateva ore dupa terminarea turului...
Nu ma intelegeti gresit, plimbarea mi-a placut foarte mult! Insa, in spiritul lui Jerome K. Jerome, nu ma pot abtine sa fac putina caterinca... Mai ales ca mi-a fost rau inca vreo cateva ore dupa terminarea turului...
Cateva imagini din timpul turului...
Cum l-au vazut organizatorii (traiasca marketingul):
Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: Today we went out from the harbour in Sandgerði because the sea conditions in Reykjavik weren't that good.
It was kind of windy and the ocean a little bit wavy but not so bad at all. We sailed for a long time searching, there were alot of boats around and so many birds, huge groups of Northern Gannets diving into the ocean, it was really amazing! Just when the tour was about to finish we saw a steam coming up from the ocean, it was a blow from a Humpback Whale ! What an amazing sight, we saw at least two of them but they were very busy deep diving and were under water for at least 5 minutes each time, so they werent really showing of this time, but we saw them a couple of times very well.
It was a great trip and hopefully everyone got a good look at the Humpback and had an adventurus time !
Birds seen on todays tour included: Cormorants, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Fulmars , Razorbills, Eider Ducks, Iceland Gulls, Black-backed Gulls and Glaucous Gulls.
It was kind of windy and the ocean a little bit wavy but not so bad at all. We sailed for a long time searching, there were alot of boats around and so many birds, huge groups of Northern Gannets diving into the ocean, it was really amazing! Just when the tour was about to finish we saw a steam coming up from the ocean, it was a blow from a Humpback Whale ! What an amazing sight, we saw at least two of them but they were very busy deep diving and were under water for at least 5 minutes each time, so they werent really showing of this time, but we saw them a couple of times very well.
It was a great trip and hopefully everyone got a good look at the Humpback and had an adventurus time !
Birds seen on todays tour included: Cormorants, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Fulmars , Razorbills, Eider Ducks, Iceland Gulls, Black-backed Gulls and Glaucous Gulls.
Rasfoind situl lor am vazut ca de vreo luna incoace nu prea au avut succes cu depistarea balenelor... Eh, c’est la vie... Oricum, ma bucur ca le cautau ca sa le vada, nu ca sa le vaneze (acest to be or not to be al islandezilor: to whale or to watch...)
Ah, si printre povestile ghidei a fost una despre un dezastru ecologic ce se intamplase cu cateva zile mai inainte: era un banc de heringi care inotau printr-un golfulet in apropiere, si care, pentru ca inoata foarte aproape unii de altii, si pentru ca apele erau cam sarace in oxigen, se sufocasera cu totii... Ma intrebam eu: oare vorba "eram inghesuiti ca sardelele", despre care credeam ca vine de la conservele in care sunt prezentati respectii pesti in supermarketuri, nu cumva isi are originea de la bancurile compacte in care inoata?! Eh, ganduri care ii trec omului prin minte...
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